


Changed the project name to libmyxql


The library gets a new website

external links


libmyxql is available under the LGPL licence. Please read the license carefully before using the library.

developed by

Arnold Daniëls

Build / Install

Login as root
Install libxml2 (`apt-get install libxml2-dev` or
Download and and unpack libmyxql-*.tar.gz
Change dir to libmysql source directory
Build and full install
make installdb


xql_textdecl ( string version, string encoding )
Write a text declarion; <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
xql_pi ( string target, string content )
Write processing instruction
xql_dtd ( string name, [ string pubid, string sysid, [ string subset ] ] )
Write a DTD tag
xql_element ( string name, [ string content, [ string att_name, string att_value, [ string att_name, string att_value, ... ] ] ] )
Write element node with attributes.
xql_celement ( string name, [ string content, [ string att_name, string att_value, [ string att_name, string att_value, ... ] ] ] )
Write element node with attributes. Place content in a cdata section
xql_root ( string name, string xml, [ string att_name, string att_value, [ string att_name, string att_value, ... ] ] ] )
Write element with raw xml as content.
xql_forest ( string name1, string content1, [ string name2, string content2, ... ] )
Write an element for each name/content pair. Use nameX=NULL to insert contentX as raw XML.
xql_cforest ( string name1, string content1, [ string name2, string content2, ... ] )
Write an element for each name/content pair. Place content in a cdata section. Use nameX=NULL to insert contentX as raw XML.
xql_forest_el ( string name, string name1, string content1, [ string name2, string content2, ... ] )
Write element node, with an element for each name/content pair. Use nameX=NULL to insert contentX as raw XML.
xql_cforest_el ( string name, string name1, string content1, [ string name2, string content2, ... ] )
Write element node, with an element for each name/content pair. Place content in a cdata section. Use nameX=NULL to insert contentX as raw XML.
xql_concat ( string node1, [ string node2, ... ] )
Concatenate nodes. Same as concat_ws('', node1, node2)
xql_concat_el ( string name, string node1, [ string node2, ... ] )
Write element and concatenate nodes.
xql_agg ( string childnode1, [ string childnode2, ... ] )
Concatenate and aggregate childnodes. Same as group_concat(childnode1, childnode2 SEPERATOR '')
xql_agg_el ( string name, string childnode1, [ string childnode2, ... ] )
Write element and concatenate childnodes for each row and aggregate nodes.
xql_agg_root ( string rootname, string childnode1, [ string childnode2, ... ] )
Concatenate childnodes and write element and aggregate nodes for each group.
CAUTION: rootname should be the same for all rows in group
xql_agg_root_el ( string rootname, string name, string childnode1, [ string childnode2, ... ] )
Write element and concatenate childnodes for each row and write element and aggregate nodes for each group.
CAUTION: rootname should be the same for all rows in group
xql_comment (string content )
Write comment node
xql_cdata ( string content )
Write CDATA section node
xql_encode ( string content )
Encode special chars